The Joint Neurosciences Council (JNC) was founded in 1978 and became a charity in 2016. JNC members are not individuals, but rather it is composed of Member Societies and Associations working in the clinical neurosciences within the UK. It seeks to promote the interest of the clinical neurosciences within the UK and to foster relationships between its members. It also acts as a forum for joint discussions with health departments in the UK and seeks to encourage research and education in the clinical neurosciences.
Member Societies and Associations appoint a delegate to serve on the JNC, and a President, Deputy President, Secretary and Treasurer are elected as the Officers and Trustees by the Council. The Council generally meets three times a year. From time to time, ad hoc groups are convened to consider specific issues. Member societies and associations pay modest annual subscriptions to the JNC based upon their size.
The JNC seeks to be inclusive and welcomes applications for membership from Societies and Associations that make a significant contribution to the Clinical Neurosciences. Applications are considered at the next Council meeting and approved by a majority vote. If your Society or Association is interested in joining, please e-mail the Secretary.
Patron: The Baroness Greenfield CBE, FRCP (Hon)
President: Mr Riki Trivedi
Secretary: Dr Marcus Bradley
Treasurer: Mr Crispin Wigfield
Trainee Representatives: Maria Gogou and Richard Moon