British Neuropsychological Society

The British Neuropsychological Society

The foundation of the British Neuropsychological Society (BNS) in 1989 was based on the insight that there is a positive symbiotic relationship between the clinical investigation of patients with neuropsychological impairments and basic cognitive science. As such, innovative neuropsychological studies not only improve our knowledge, diagnosis, rehabilitation and clinical management of patients but also the findings can lead to novel insights about the nature and neural basis of cognitive functions - generating significant shifts in cognitive theory. In return, advances in sophisticated cognitive neuroscience methods and theories enhance our understanding of the neural basis of cognition and its development from childhood to old age. As a consequence of this insight, the BNS will always continue to embrace, share and celebrate findings and innovations irrespective of the source and discipline in which they arise.

Our biannual meetings are designed as a forum for basic cognitive neuroscientists, clinicians from the clinical neurosciences and allied health professionals in order to present and discuss cutting-edge theory, neuroscience methods, and their translation into clinical practice.
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